Day 14: Laws

There is an irrevocable mandate that one must adhere to.  A law of sorts, that stands as a guidepost, a current of intelligence that ebbs and flows, traveling deep within our bellies.  There are plenty of resources when there comes a juncture and we must decide.  A little jolt of adrenaline coursing through from the pits of our core, to the tips of our fingers, letting us know very simply; YES, or NO.

Intuition is the guiding force in my life.  There is reason, there is our knowledge and experience, and then there is the paramount mode of operating and sifting through our choices.  The difficult piece becomes unearthing the distinction between fear and following our gut.  It is beyond pure emotion.  Our intuitiveness is our bodies’ communication with the earth and with our practicality based on our past, yes, but also our connection to the current moment.  My feet planted, in my most tranquil state, is when I can best hear my intuition speaking.   It is booming when I am still, and silent when I resist. The answers manifesting when I give myself the space to breathe.  And when I do, magic ensues.

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